Why is my NIN showing invalid ? ( Reason and solution )

Why is my NIN showing invalid NIN?

Do you know the reason why your NIN is showing invalid when you try to link it with your SIM?

In this post, you will get to know the reason why your NIN is showing invalid and also the solution to follow in order to solve this issue.

As the government instructed all telecom companies to block the SIM cards of subscribers who haven’t linked their NIN with their SIM card, there have been a lot of questions asked by Nigerians, especially those who have obtained their NIN.

Some people complain that whenever they try to link their NIN with their SIM card, it shows invalid NIN.

Why is my NIN showing invalid

Actually, there is a reason for this kind of response when you are trying to link your NIN with your SIM card.

NIN management agencies have provided the reason for this issue and also the solution to follow in order to solve it.

Here are the primary reasons why your NIN is showing invalid NIN when you are trying to link it with your SIM card, even when you are pretty sure that you successfully registered your NIN:

  • BVN-generated NINMany people don’t know that once you open a bank account or once you get a BVN, you will automatically receive a National Identification Number.You have successfully gotten a National Identification Number when you get a BVN code, as both are integrated.If your NIN was generated due to the BVN record harmonization with the National Identity Database, there’s still a small task that remains for you to accomplish before you start enjoying your NIN as it’s supposed. You cannot use the NIN mobile app to print your NIN, and again, you cannot successfully link that NIN with your SIM card.

    The National Identification Management Commission has instructed all the people that got their NIN through their BVN record harmonization to validate it in the NIMC office.

  • Another reason why your NIN shows invalid is if you got the NIN a long time ago.Some people registered for their NIN more than four years ago now. It’s not that the NIN expires; no, it’s just an error or something like that.There is information, though not from a verified source, which explains that the NIN management company happens to lose the contact and data of some people, so you need to validate your NIN if you got it a long time ago.
  • Uncategorized reasonsThere are still many more reasons why your NIN is showing invalid even when you are pretty sure you registered for the NIN.Some of those people whose NIN shows invalid have complained that they recently got their NIN; they didn’t get it through BVN harmonization, still, it keeps on showing them invalid NIN.For people in this issue, the reason has not been revealed, though the solution is available.

Solution to follow if your NIN is showing invalid

For those whose NIN has been showing invalid whenever they try to link it with their SIM card, there’s actually a simple and effective solution to follow in order to solve this.

Check the solution below.

  • NIN validation:The only solution to follow in order to solve this issue of invalid NIN is to validate it.No matter the cause of your NIN invalid response, whether you got it through BVN generation process, it’s too old, or you don’t know the reason it shows invalid, the only solution is to validate it.

How to validate my NIN:

In order to validate your NIN, visit any NIMC office near your area, request a National Identification Number validation form, and fill the form with the required details.

Your NIN will be valid again.

Read more on how to validate NIN below.


The issue here is that NIN validation is not free; you have to pay them a small amount of money before they validate your NIN for you.

Important things to know about invalid NIN:

Here are some of the important things you should know if your NIN is showing invalid NIN when you are trying to link it with your phone.

  • All NIN generated with BVN needs validation.
  • NIN that has been in use for many years may require validation.
  • There are some unidentified reasons why your NIN shows invalid.

To solve this problem of invalid NIN, validate your NIN at the NIMC office.

Do you have any questions concerning this invalid NIN issue? If you do, you can comment below for further assistance

Originally posted 2023-03-18 23:54:24.

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