All Neolife ranks and their salary – compensation plan.

All Neolife ranks and their salary – compensation plan.

Neolife international is a health and wellness company that specializes in selling healthy products to their customers.
are you planning to join neolife business as a distributor, or someone referred you to the business and you want to know the salary range?, this page get you covered.
let’s reveal all the ranks in Neolife company and salary or compensation plan for each rank.

all ranks in Neolife company, their meaning and salary range or compensation plan.

as you might have know, neolife does not have a set amount of money to pay you per month or year, rather, you make money by earning commission from the product you sell.

There’s a metric used in Neolife company to determine your rank, it is called QPV (quality point volume), it is calculated by multiplying the number of products sold by the point value of each product, the point value of each product is determined by it’s cost and other factors.

Distributors earn commission based on their QPV, the higher your QPV, the higher the commission you earn.

the commission you will get depends on your rank in the company, below are all the available ranks and their compensation plan in Neolife international.

distributor rank and their salary.

a distributor in Neolife company is also called a new recruit, distributor is the first rank in the business, as a distributor, you will earn a commission on 5% in any product you sale.
this mean, if you sale a product at $100, you will earn $5 as your own profit from making the sale.
to migrate from being a distributor to another rank, you need to make much sales or recruit more people.
let’s check other ranks below and their compensation plan.

senior manager rank and their salary.

senior manager is the second rank in the company, to become a senior manager, you need to archive at least 1,000 Qualify point volume within one month.
once you complete the task, your level will move from being a distributor to a senior manager.
as a senior manager, you earn 10% commission on any sale you make, also, when someone you refer to the business (downline) make a sale, you will earn 5% commission on the sale the person make.

director rank and their salary.

director in the company is someone who have achieved 4,000 QPV within a month, the commission of a director per sale is 20% , this means, when a director make a sale worth $100, the director will have a profit of $20 from the transaction.

senior director rank and their salary range.

when you achieve a QPV of 10,000 in the business, your rank will be senior director.
as a senior director, you earn a commission of 25% per sale you make, this is a quarter of how much you sale each product.
you will also earn 5% commission when your downline make a sale.

other ranks in Neolife and their salary range.

below are other higher ranks in the business and their salary range.

  • executive director: someone who achieved 20,000 QPV within a month, as an executive director, you will earn 30% commission on each sale you make, and also, 5% commission on a sale made by your downline.
  • vice president: a vice president in Neolife is a distributor that achieved 50,000 QPV within a month, the commission for vice president is 35% with a 5% commission on sales from your downline.
  • president: this is the highest rank in Neolife business, to be a president, you will need to achieve at least 100,000 QPV within a month.

the commission for a president in Neolife is 40%, you will also earn 5% commission from a sale from your downline.

Rank Required QPV Commission
Distributor 5% on personal sales volume
Senior Manager 1,000 QPV 10% on personal sales volume
5% on downline distributor sales volume
Director 4,000 QPV 20% on personal sales volume
5% on downline distributor sales volume
Senior Director 10,000 QPV 25% on personal sales volume
5% on downline distributor sales volume
Executive Director 20,000 QPV 30% on personal sales volume
5% on downline distributor sales volume
Vice President 50,000 QPV 35% on personal sales volume
5% on downline distributor sales volume
President 100,000 QPV 40% on personal sales volume
5% on downline distributor sales volume

Please note that the “-” in the “Required QPV” column for the “Distributor” rank indicates that there is no specific QPV requirement for this rank. Additionally, the “Commission” column indicates the commission percentage for both personal sales volume and downline distributor sales volume for each rank.

if you have any question regarding Neolife ranks and their salary, you can drop your question in the comment section below.

8 thoughts on “All Neolife ranks and their salary – compensation plan.”

  1. Emmanuel w Brown

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  2. Christiana Charles

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    work with Neo Life.

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