why does Facebook keep suggesting the same person (top reasons)

Understanding Facebook’s Friend Suggestions

Facebook’s “People You May Know” feature aims to connect users with potential friends based on a multifaceted algorithm. This algorithm takes several factors into account, shaping the suggestions you see on your Facebook page. Let’s delve deeper into these factors and why you might keep encountering the same suggestions.

why does Facebook keep suggesting the same person (top reasons).

In this blog post, we will elaborate some of the major reasons why Facebook keep suggesting 1he same person for you.

Let’s look at the reasons  below.

Mutual Friends

One of the primary determinants of friend suggestions is mutual friends. When you share common friends with someone, Facebook’s algorithm recognizes this as a potential connection, making it more likely for that person to appear in your suggestions.

You have a mutual friend with some when you and the person have one more friends in common

Contact Information

If you have someone’s contact information saved in your phone or email address book, Facebook use this as a basis for suggesting them as a friend.

This suggests a real-world connection beyond the online realm.

Also if the person is your friend in any platform like TikTok or Instagram, Facebook will believe that you need to add the person on Facebook also.

Work or Education Information

Sharing the same work or education information with another user can also trigger friend suggestions. Facebook assumes that common professional or academic affiliations could lead to potential friendships.

Location Information

Proximity plays a role in Facebook’s suggestions. If you’re physically near someone, they may appear in your friend suggestions, under the assumption that geographical proximity could lead to real-world interactions.

If your location is ON, and you allowed Facebook to access your location, this might be the reason for them suggesting the person to you.

Activity: Building Connections through Interaction

Facebook’s friend suggestion algorithm goes beyond your static affiliations with groups and pages. It actively monitors your interactions and engagements with other users on the platform to generate tailored suggestions. Here’s how activity influences the algorithm:

Liking, Commenting, and Sharing

Interacting with someone’s posts by liking, commenting, or sharing indicates a dynamic connection. These actions signal that you appreciate their content or have something to say about it. The more interactions you have with a user, the stronger the algorithm perceives your connection with them.

When you consistently engage with a particular user, Facebook’s algorithm interprets this as a sign of potential friendship. Consequently, the person you’ve been interacting with may appear in your friend suggestions, encouraging you to establish a more formal online friendship with them.

In summary, your active involvement on Facebook, particularly your interactions with others, plays a pivotal role in shaping the friend suggestions you receive. It transforms mere digital connections into meaningful online friendships by recognizing the bonds you’ve formed through shared activities and interests.

Groups and Pages

Being part of the same Facebook groups or liking the same pages can result in friend suggestions. Shared interests or affiliations often form the basis for these connections.

Is the people you may know on Facebook people who stalk your page?.

No, and Yes .. the “People You May Know” feature on Facebook does not necessarily indicate that those individuals are stalking your page. Facebook uses various algorithms and data points to suggest potential connections, such as mutual friends, common interests, work or school information, and location. These suggestions are generated to help users expand their social network and connect with people they might know or have common connections with.

Profile Visits: While Facebook does not explicitly disclose who visits your profile, it is possible that if someone visits your profile and you have mutual friends or other connections, the algorithm might suggest them to you in return

It is not a direct indication of someone actively stalking your profile but sometimes, it is the cause.

Why do I get Facebook friend suggestions from strangers

Facebook  uses  factors, such as your location and the devices you use to access Facebook, to generate friend suggestions. However, the company does not publicly disclose all of the factors that it uses.

It is possible to get friend suggestions from strangers for a number of reasons. For example, someone may have uploaded your contact information to Facebook without your knowledge. Or, you may have recently interacted with someone on Facebook, even if you don’t know them personally. For example, if you comment on a public post, anyone who sees your comment can see your profile and then facebook may think that you know each other, or that you may need to connect.

when you get a friend suggestion on facebook does the other person get it too?

yes, when Facebook suggests you as a friend to someone, the other person may also receive the same friend suggestion. Friend suggestions are often mutual, meaning if you appear as a suggested friend to someone, they might also appear as a suggested friend to you, provided you have mutual connections, shared interests, or other factors that Facebook’s algorithm considers when making friend suggestions. However, it’s important to note that receiving a friend suggestion does not mean the other person has visited your profile or has any knowledge of the suggestion. Facebook’s algorithms generate these suggestions based on various factors without revealing specific user interactions

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