Debate: a guide on argumentative essay

debate: Does Your School Have a Debating Society? If Not, Write a Letter to Your Principal Suggesting the Need to Establish One and Request Permission to Address Your Fellow Students About It in the Morning Assembly.

Requirements for Good Speech Delivery

When delivering a speech to a group of people, it is crucial to ensure that your voice is clear and audible to everyone. Avoid shouting or speaking too softly. Use a moderate, convincing, and confident tone.

  1. Voice Clarity: Speak clearly and avoid rushing your speech. Speaking too fast or too slowly hinders effective communication.

Requirements for a Good Debate

In addition to good speech delivery, a successful debate demands the following:

  1. Persuasive Argument: Treat the debate topic as a case in a court of law. Present your arguments convincingly, appealing to the listeners’ sense of reason rather than emotions.
  2. Logical Presentation: Maintain composure, boldness, and fluency in your speech. Organize your points logically and use persuasive expressions supported by cogent reasons.
  3. Engage with the Audience: Maintain self-confidence, relax, smile, or frown appropriately to engage your audience. Avoid reading your speech verbatim; instead, focus on delivering a confident and well-prepared speech.
  4. Adequate Preparation: Allocate sufficient time for thorough preparation. Familiarity with the topic enhances your confidence and delivery.

Sample Speech: The Use of Mother Tongue as a Medium of Instruction in Junior Secondary Schools

Good day, esteemed moderator, respected panel of judges, ladies, and gentlemen,

I stand before you to oppose the motion that the mother tongue should be used as a medium of instruction in junior secondary schools.

Firstly, it is essential to address the ambiguity of the term “mother tongue.” In a diverse country like Nigeria, with numerous languages and dialects, choosing a universally accepted mother tongue for instruction becomes a daunting task. Each region has its distinct languages and dialects, leading to a lack of standardized language for teaching and learning.

Furthermore, considering the mobility of students and professionals across the country, enforcing mother tongue instruction presents a significant challenge. When students graduate, they often serve in regions where the local language differs from their own. Implementing mother tongue instruction would create a language barrier between teachers and students, hindering effective communication and understanding.

Additionally, technical subjects such as Introductory Technology, Integrated Science, Mathematics, and Computer Studies often lack equivalent terms in native languages. Teaching these subjects in the mother tongue would impede students’ comprehension and hinder their academic progress.

Allow me to share the inspiring story of Ifemeje Ifeyinwa, a JSS 3 student from our school, who excelled in a national essay competition conducted in English. Her achievement underscores the importance of English as the official language of instruction, providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their native language.

In conclusion, advocating for the use of the English language, our official language, as the medium of instruction in junior secondary schools promotes inclusivity, effective learning, and equal opportunities for all students. I firmly believe that using the English language fosters a conducive educational environment, ensuring that no student is left behind.

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