how to find when an article was published if it doesn’t say

How to Find the Publication Date of an Article Without It Being Stated

Have you ever come across an interesting article online but couldn’t find the publication date? It can be frustrating when you want to know how current or relevant the information is. However, there are several methods you can use to determine when an article was published even if the date is not explicitly mentioned.

Method 1: Check the Article’s URL

  1. Locate the URL: Open the article in your web browser.
  2. Identify the Date: Look for a string of characters in the URL that might represent a date. It’s usually in the format of YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD.
  3. Verify the Date: Click on the live date in the URL to see if it leads to the published article. If it does, then the date in the URL is the publication date.

this is the simplest way of checking an article publication date, however, some website do not allow the publication date to show on the URL, also, some article may be updated or the url can be change to current date, in this case, lets check the second method below

Method 2: Use Web Archive (Wayback Machine)

this is the most effective and accurate way of checking an article publication date, some wayback machine keeps record of everything that happens online

  1. Visit the Wayback Machine: Go to and enter the article’s URL in the search bar.
  2. Browse Archived Versions: Click on the “Browse History” button to view the different dates the Wayback Machine has archived the article.
  3. Find the Oldest Version: Look for the oldest archived version of the article, which should be closest to the publication date.
  4. Determine the Publication Date: The date displayed next to the archived version is the closest approximation to the article’s publication date.

for a faster result, you can also use “Carbon Dating The Web” website, the website is very easy to access and use

Method 3: Search for the Article on Social Media or News Aggregators

  1. Identify Social Media Platforms: Look for social media platforms where the article might have been shared, such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
  2. Perform a Search: Use the search feature on these platforms to look for the article by entering relevant keywords or the article’s title.
  3. Find the Shared Date: If the article was shared on social media, the share date should be visible along with the post. This date can be considered as the publication date or within the range of publication date
  4. Check News Aggregators: Perform a similar search on news aggregator websites like Google News, Reddit, or Hacker News to find the article and its publication date.

Method 4: Inspect the Article’s HTML Code

  1. Right-click and Inspect: Right-click on the article and select “Inspect” (for Google Chrome, it’s “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”).
  2. Find the HTML Code: Look for the HTML tags related to the article, such as 

    , or .

  3. Search for the Date: Scroll through the HTML code to find any date or timestamp associated with the article.
  4. Verify the Date: Check if the date found in the HTML code matches the actual publication date by comparing it with the article’s content or any other sources.

Method 5: Contact the Author or Publisher

  1. Find the Author or Publisher: Locate the author’s name or the publisher’s information within the article, most website have “about us” or “contact us” pages, utilize those pages and reach out to the author
  2. Search for Contact Information: Use a search engine to find the author’s or publisher’s website, email, or social media profiles.
  3. Reach Out: Send an email or direct message to the author or publisher, politely asking for the publication date of the article.
  4. Wait for a Response: Give them some time to respond, and once you receive the information, you’ll have the accurate publication date.


While finding the publication date of an article without it being stated may require some detective work, utilizing these methods can help you uncover valuable information about its timeliness and relevance.

Remember, staying informed about when an article was published is crucial for assessing its credibility and accuracy. By employing these strategies, you can become a more discerning reader and make better-informed decisions based on up-to-date information

if you still have any other question, you can drop your question in the comment section below for further assistance

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