how to Link NIN to MTN via SMS / through message

how to Link NIN to MTN via SMS / through message – NIN to MTN after blocking.

if your MTN line got blocked due to the issue of SIM card to NIN linking, you can easily resolve by linking your NIN with your sim card.

for MTN subscribers, there are five available methods which you can follow in order to link your NIN with your MTN sim card.

on this blog post, I will be explaining to you in details everything you need to know regarding how to link your MTN sim card with your NIN via SMS methods.

please endeavor to read every part of this content as all the information provided here will be very helpful to you.

how to Link NIN to MTN via SMS / through message.

MTN has made it easy for their subscribers as you can now link your NIN with your MTN sim card through SMS method.

this is the most effective way your can follow in order to Link your NIN with your MTN sim card especially if your MTN sim card has been blocked.

let’s look at the procedure to follow in order to archive this below.

procedure to follow in order to link NIN To MTN sim card via SMS methods.

  • open your phone message app
  • click on “start chart”
  • choose “785” as the receiver
  • send your NIN to 785
  • your MTN sim will be linked with the NIN.

for more clarification, check below to see how the SMS should look like.

assuming your national identification number is, 265383662877 you are to send the eleven digit number together with a description telling MTN that what you submitted to them is your NIN.

below is how the text messages should look like “NIN – 265383662877

on submitting the NIN to MTN, your Line will be linked with your NIN.

this is all about linking NIN with MTN sim card via SMS.

there are still some other available methods you can follow in order to link your NIN with your MTN sim card though the easiest method is through SMS method.

in case you want to know more about how to link your NIN with your MTN sim, check below for the procedure to follow in order to link NIN with MTN sim using USSD code method.

how to link MTN sim card with NIN using USSD code method.

this is another way your can follow in order to link your NIN with your MTN sim card.

MTN provided a USSD code that once you press it together with your national identification number, your MTN sim card will be linked with the national identification number.

below are the procedure to follow in order to link NIN with an MTN sim card using the code.

procedure to follow in order to link NIN with an MTN sim card using USSD code.

this is so easy and simple.

  • open your phone dialer
  • press the code “*785#
  • choose option 1
  • submit your eleven digit NIN number.

you can as well press *785*1*yourNIN#

how to link NIN with an MTN sim card after being blocked.

if your MTN sim card is blocked you have to link it with your NIN before it can be unblocked again.

this two available methods provided for you above are the easiest ways you can follow in order to link your NIN with your MTN sim card after blocking.

generally, to link your NIN with your MTN sim card after blocking, send your NIN as an SMS to 785 or dial the USSD code *785*1*yournin#.

you can also check below for more guide on how you can link your MTN sim card with NIN.

how to retrieve your NIN and Link it with your MTN sim card.

if you don’t remember your NIN number again, there is a general USSD code for NIN retrieval.

whether you’re using MTN sim card or any other Telecom service company in Nigeria, you can easily retrieve your NIN with the USSD code.

to retrieve your NIN, press *346#.

also, if you don’t have NIN but you have a bank verification number, you can also dial the USSD code to retrieve a BVN generated NIN that was automatically created for you by your bank.

this BVN generated NIN may need additional validation before you can be able to link it with a sim card.

if you have any question concerning how you can link your MTN sim card with NIN using SMS method, you can drop your questions below for further assistance.

Originally posted 2023-03-13 23:39:35.

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