phone storage full even after deleting everything Android (solution)

Do you ever feel like your Android phone’s storage is full, even after you’ve deleted everything? You’re not alone. This is a common problem, and there are a few things you can do to fix it.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some solutions to the problem of your Android phone storage being full even after deleting everything. We’ll cover things like clearing the cache of apps, deleting unused apps, moving media files to an external storage device, using a file manager app, and factory resetting your phone.

We’ll also provide some additional tips to help you keep your Android phone’s storage free.

phone storage full even after deleting everything Android : solution for this.

if your Android phone’s storage is still showing as full even after you’ve deleted everything, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue

1. Clear App Cache and Data:

Apps on your Android device often store temporary files and data to enhance performance. However, over time, these files can accumulate and take up valuable storage space. To clear app cache and data:

  • Go to “Settings” and find “Apps” or “Applications” (this might vary depending on your device).
  • Scroll through the list of installed apps and select the one you want to clean.
  • Inside the app’s info page, you’ll find the “Storage” section.
  • Tap on “Clear Cache” to remove temporary files that the app has stored.
  • If the app is using a significant amount of storage, you can also tap on “Clear Data” to reset the app to its initial state (this will erase your app settings, login information, etc., so use this option cautiously).

2. Delete Miscellaneous Files:

As you use your Android device, various files can accumulate in your Downloads folder, or apps like WhatsApp might store media files that you no longer need. To clean up miscellaneous files:

  • Open your device’s file manager or a third-party file explorer app.
  • Navigate to the “Downloads” folder and delete any files you no longer need.
  • If you use messaging apps like WhatsApp, open the app and navigate to its media folders to delete unnecessary photos, videos, and voice notes.

3. Check for Deleted Files in Trash/Recycle Bin:

Some Android devices include a built-in “Trash” or “Recycle Bin” feature that temporarily holds deleted files before they are permanently removed. This is a safety net in case you accidentally delete something you didn’t mean to:

  • Open the “Gallery” or “Photos” app on your device.
  • Look for a “Trash” or “Recently Deleted” folder. This is where your deleted photos and videos might be stored temporarily.
  • Select the files you want to permanently delete and confirm their removal.

Remember, these steps are designed to help you reclaim storage space on your Android device. Be cautious when clearing app data, as it might lead to loss of preferences or logged-in accounts within those apps. Similarly, only delete files if you’re sure you no longer need them. If you’re still experiencing storage issues after trying these steps, you might want to explore the other solutions mentioned earlier or seek technical assistance

4. Check for System Updates:

Regular system updates can sometimes accumulate partially downloaded files, taking up storage space. Ensuring your device is up to date not only improves security and performance but can also free up some space:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your Android device.
  • Scroll down and select “System” or “Software Update” (this might vary based on your device).
  • Check for any pending updates and follow the prompts to download and install them.

5. Restart Your Phone:

A simple restart can help clear temporary files and cache, potentially freeing up some storage space. Here’s how to do it:

  • Press and hold the power button on your device.
  • Select “Restart” from the options that appear.
  • Once the device restarts, check if your available storage has increased.

6. Use Storage Analysis Tools:

Android devices often come with built-in tools to help you identify what’s using up your storage space. These tools offer insights into your storage usage and can help you pinpoint areas where you can clean up:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your device.
  • Look for “Storage” or “Device Care” (the exact name might differ based on your device).
  • You’ll find a breakdown of your storage usage, categorizing it into apps, images, videos, audio, downloads, cached data, and more.
  • Review these categories to identify where the bulk of your storage is being used.

7. Delete Unnecessary Apps:

Apps you no longer use can accumulate over time and consume valuable storage space. Removing these apps can significantly free up storage:

  • Navigate to the “Settings” app on your device.
  • Find and select “Apps” or “Applications.”
  • Review the list of installed apps and identify those you no longer need.
  • Tap on an app and select “Uninstall” to remove it from your device.

8. Backup and Factory Reset (Last Resort):

If all other methods fail to free up storage, a factory reset can restore your device to its original state. Be sure to back up your important data first:

  • Back up your photos, videos, contacts, and any other important data to an external device or a cloud service.
  • In the “Settings” app, go to “System” > “Reset” > “Factory data reset.”
  • Confirm your choice and follow the on-screen instructions to perform the reset.
  • After the reset, restore your backed-up data and apps.

9. Use Cloud Storage or External Storage:

Moving files and media to cloud storage or an external device can free up space on your device while keeping your data accessible:

  • Upload photos, videos, and other files to cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.
  • Make use of Google Photos to back up your photos and videos and free up device space.
  • Insert an SD card into your device (if supported) and move files like photos, videos, and documents to the external storage.

10. Check for Large Files or Folders:

Identifying and deleting large files or folders can have a significant impact on your device’s storage capacity:

  • Use a file manager app from the Play Store to navigate through your device’s storage and identify large files or folders.
  • Review files such as high-resolution videos, large downloads, or obsolete backups.
  • Delete or move these large files to an external storage source or cloud storage.

Remember that each step comes with its own set of precautions and considerations. Always back up your important data before making any major changes to your device. Combining these strategies and being vigilant about your storage usage can help you effectively manage your Android phone’s storage and prevent it from getting full. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the device’s manufacturer or a technical expert for further assistance


We hope this blog post has helped you to solve the problem of your Android phone storage being full even after deleting everything. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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