Primary school graduation speech by principal | sample speeches for you

On the graduation ceremony day, a principal or vice principal must make a speech either in the beginning of the occasion or at the closing time.

In this blog post, you will see a Guide on how to present a primary school graduation speech as a principal and also some sample speech for you

Let’s get started below.

A guide on how to present a professional speech on graduation day as a principal.

Below are some important things you need to include in your speech


Begin by welcoming everyone to the graduation ceremony and congratulating the graduates on their accomplishment.

Share a brief anecdote or memory about the graduating class, such as a time when they showed great character, resilience, or creativity.

Express your gratitude to the students’ families and teachers for their support.


On the body of the speech, that is after the introduction, below are what you need to include in your speech

Focus on the qualities and skills that the graduates have developed during their primary school years.

Highlight their academic achievements, as well as their growth in character, citizenship, and social-emotional skills.

Share some specific examples of how the graduates have demonstrated these qualities and skills.

Use this section to inspire the graduates to continue to grow and learn as they move on to the next chapter of their lives.


Here are four things you need to include in your conclusion part.

  1. Offer the graduates some words of advice as they embark on their new journey.
  2. Encourage them to be kind, compassionate, and responsible citizens.
  3. Remind them that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.
  4. Thank the graduates for being a part of the school community and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

Sample Primary school graduation speech by principal

Sample 1: brief speech

**Here is an example of a brief primary school graduation speech by the principal:**

“Good morning, students, families, and faculty.

On behalf of the entire school community, I am delighted to congratulate the graduating class of 2023. You have worked hard and achieved so much during your primary school years.

I am particularly proud of your academic achievements, but I am also impressed by your growth in character, citizenship, and social-emotional skills. You have shown yourselves to be kind, compassionate, and responsible young people.

As you embark on this next chapter of your lives, I encourage you to continue to learn and grow. Be curious about the world around you. Be open to new experiences. And never give up on your dreams:

Sample Speech 2:

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed teachers, proud parents, and, most importantly, our wonderful graduates,

Today is a day of celebration, a day filled with pride and joy as we gather here to commemorate the achievements of our young graduates. I am deeply honored to stand before you as the principal of this remarkable school.

To our graduates, I want to say that you have all grown so much since your first day at this school. I have watched you learn, make friends, and overcome challenges with determination and resilience. Your curiosity and enthusiasm have been a constant source of inspiration to us all.

As you move on to the next chapter of your academic journey, I encourage you to continue embracing the values that have been instilled in you during your time here – kindness, respect, and a thirst for knowledge. Remember that education is a lifelong journey, and this is just the beginning.

To the parents, I want to express my gratitude for entrusting us with your children’s education. Your support and encouragement have played a vital role in their success, and we are grateful for the partnership we have shared.

As you leave these halls, always remember that you carry the hopes and dreams of your families, your teachers, and your school with you. You are capable of achieving greatness, and I have no doubt that you will make a positive impact on the world.

Congratulations, graduates, on this incredible achievement. Go forth with confidence, embrace new challenges, and continue to strive for excellence. Your future is bright, and we are proud to have been a part of your journey.

Thank you, and congratulations once again.

Sample Speech 3

Distinguished guests, devoted teachers, proud parents, and, of course, our amazing graduates,

Today is a day of mixed emotions – one of pride, nostalgia, and excitement. As we gather here to celebrate the graduation of these bright young minds, I feel a sense of honor and privilege to be the principal of this incredible school.

To our graduates, you have worked diligently to reach this milestone. You have grown not only academically but also as individuals. You’ve learned the importance of teamwork, resilience, and the power of perseverance. These qualities will serve you well as you embark on the next phase of your journey.

I encourage each of you to never stop learning. Education is the key to unlocking the doors of opportunity, and it’s a lifelong endeavor. Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to grow, and never be afraid to dream big.

To the parents and families, your unwavering support has been a driving force behind the success of these graduates. Your dedication to their education is commendable, and today’s celebration is as much about your accomplishments as it is about theirs.

As you step out of our school and into the wider world, remember that you are equipped with the knowledge and values to make a positive impact. Be kind, be compassionate, and be leaders in your communities.

Graduates, you are the future, and we have great faith in your ability to shape a brighter tomorrow. Congratulations on your well-deserved success. The world awaits your talents and contributions with open arms.

Thank you all for being part of this special day, and once again, congratulations to our graduates.

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