how to recover memorialized facebook account

How to Recover a Memorialized Facebook Account

Losing access to a Facebook account can be distressing, especially if the account has been memorialized by mistake. When a Facebook account is memorialized, it is meant to honor and remember someone who has passed away. However, if the account owner is still alive and their account has been memorialized incorrectly, there are steps that can be taken to recover it.

key point to NOTE according to facebook help centre : 

To confirm that you’re the owner of this account, please upload a photo of yourself (selfie) holding your valid photo ID. If you don’t have a valid photo ID, you can take a photo of yourself holding two forms of ID, and one of them must include a photo or date of birth that matches the information on your profile.
Please make sure that we can clearly see your face in both the photo and ID

How to Recover a Memorialized Facebook Account

Firstly, understand that recovering a memorialized account is different from reactivating a disabled one. Memorialization is a permanent step Facebook takes to honor deceased individuals. However, mistakes happen, and in your case, it seems you’re very much alive and kicking!

Here’s what you can do:

1. Contact Facebook Support:

  • This is the official and most reliable route. Head to the Facebook Help Center and search for “memorialized account.” You should find a form specifically designed for this situation, you can also access the form here
  • Be prepared to provide proof of identity (like a driver’s license) and explain the situation clearly. Mentioning that you’re alive and well is crucial!

2. Reach out to a Legacy Contact (if applicable):

  • Did you designate someone as your Legacy Contact before this happened? If so, reach out to them directly. They have the power to manage your memorialized account, including requesting its de-memorialization.

3. Be patient and persistent:

  • Processing these requests might take some time, so don’t get discouraged. Follow up with Facebook if you don’t hear back within a reasonable timeframe.

Important things to remember:

  • Do not create a new account with the same name. This can complicate the recovery process.
  • Avoid third-party services promising account recovery. These services are often unreliable and can put your information at risk.
  • Respect the privacy of others. If the account belongs to someone else who has passed away, you cannot request its recovery.

Additional tips:

  • While waiting, consider updating your Facebook profile picture and cover photo with recent, obviously alive images. This might raise red flags for friends and family who might mistakenly believe the memorialization is accurate.
  • Spread the word! Let your friends and family know that your account was mistakenly memorialized and that you’re working to get it back.

Follow Up

After submitting your request and any required documentation, it is important to follow up with Facebook support. Check your email regularly for updates from Facebook regarding the status of your request. Be patient during this process as it may take some time for Facebook to review your case and make a decision.


Recovering a memorialized Facebook account that was mistakenly marked as such can be a challenging process, but with persistence and providing the necessary information, it is possible to regain access to your account. Remember to reach out to Facebook support, submit any required documentation, and follow up on your request until a resolution is reached

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