Solution to held and withheld WAEC result (in 2024)

Solution held and withheld WAEC result, causes, and the release date for all held or withheld WAEC result.

Check this to see the solution.

Are you among those whose WAEC results were held this year? Do you have a friend whose result was held or withheld?

Actually, the issue of held and withheld WAEC results is becoming a big problem for WAEC candidates.

In this post, you will know the reason why your result is being held, you will know what to do now that your result is being held, and when WAEC is going to release your results.

Do you know the reason your result is being held or withheld, or do you really don’t know?

I guess you know this, but if you’re among those who don’t know the reason WAEC held or withheld their examination results, check this post below.

held and withheld WAEC result meaning

Your WAEC result is withheld. This means, WAEC noticed something suspicious about your results, thereby making them examine your results carefully before releasing them to you.

When your SSCE result is withheld by the examination body, you can’t confidently say if you passed or failed the same. You don’t know your fate. You’re at a crossroads.

If you’re among those whose WAEC result is withheld, do not panic. There have been cases like this.

Why was my exam result held or withheld by WAEC?

If your WAEC result was held or withheld, you should have known the cause.

If in any case, you don’t know the reason, let me explain it to you here.

Your WAEC result is being held or withheld because of examination malpractice.

These malpractices may be conducted generally at the school level, not only at the candidate level.

Exam malpractice is rampant in secondary schools these days. In any case, the reason WAEC held or withheld your result is because the expo was not conducted in a wise way.

If your WAEC result is held or withheld, there’s a high possibility that you will get your results.

Acts that constitute examination malpractice or expo in WAEC exams

A comprehensive list of offences as provided by the West African examination Council for their senior school certificate exam.

The following, amongst others, constitute examination malpractice in West African examinations. If you still don’t know why your results are held, any of these offenses below could put your WAEC on hold.

  • Candidates bringing unessential books or cribs into the examination hall are
  • Insulting or assaulting any examination official, especially during the examination,
  • Swapping of scripts in an examination hall, both question papers and answers scripts
  • replacing their answer scripts with another one during or after the examination or submitting the run scripts.
  • Impersonation, writing WAEC examinations for another candidate, no matter what the reason may be. This is an act of exam malpractice because WAEC expects each and every candidate to write the examination on their own.
  • Taking part in mass or organised cheating or expo. held or withheld waec result solution

You can possibly do nothing. You can only stay up to date on the exam body’s final decision by doing the following:

  • Keep in touch with your school exam officials
  • Keep in touch with colleagues who are in the same shoe as you; your classmates or fellow exam candidates
  • Keep checking online, especially on WAEC’s official website.

Actually, if you’re pretty sure that your centre didn’t indulge or aid in exam malpractices in the course of the conduct of the exam, you needn’t worry. But the decision lies in the committee report. If your centre is indicted, it’s your principal responsibility to try in any way to save the result. You might have to look forward to the coming year’s exams.

Do WAEC release withheld result?

this is a question every one whose Result got held or withheld will be asking by now.

am glad to tell you that WAEC releases withheld or held Result.

if you’re among those whose Result got held or withheld, WAEC will surely release your result though it takes around three to six week.

you only have to worry if you result is cancelled, but for those whose Result is withheld or held, the probability that it’s going to be release is 100%.

What happens if your WAEC result is held.

for those of you whose WAEC result got held or withheld, it undergo some process before they release it to you.

here is three things that happens if your WAEC result got held or withheld.

  1. WAEC hold your result in order to notify you that they found something suspicious in your result.
  2. WAEC takes the time to run a check in all the activities that transpired in your exam center.
  3. they take the time to cancel the result of those that have any trace of malpractice.

Other issues you may encounter when reviewing your WAEC result

Other issues you may encounter when reviewing your WAEC results, as well as solutions to them

Among other things, these are the issues some candidates may face when checking their WAEC results and the easy way to solve them.

No record for this candidate in this specific exam season

This issue is only caused by one reason, which is wrong parameter (wrong input of data). This occurs when you didn’t follow the instructions given to you by WAEC officials.

You can check the solution to this issue here

Solution to no Result for this candidate when checking my WAEC result

outstanding result.

The outstanding result is an error arising from the WAEC. Most of the time, the exam body calls it “the result being processed.”

When this happens, it means that some students have a few of their subjects still being processed due to some issues being resolved.

An outstanding result shows an error when you try to access your grade on the official portal of WAEC.

This means you need not be worried. WAEC will speedily complete the processing to enable all the affected candidates to get their results fully processed and released.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about withheld or held waec results

Here, amongst others, are questions your fellow candidates whose results were held normally ask.

Is WAEC going to release my withheld result?

The answer is yes, definitely. WAEC will release your results once it’s not cancelled.

What should I do if my WAEC result is withheld?

If you’re among those who engaged in expo of any kind, you can register for NECO or GCE, but if you’re pretty sure you didn’t commit malpractice, wait until WAEC releases the results themselves.

If you have any other questions concerning the held or withheld WAEC result, you can use the comment section below

Originally posted 2023-03-20 23:47:51.

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