difference between normal TikTok and TikTok Lite? | tiktok vs tiktok lite

difference between normal TikTok and TikTok Lite? | tiktok vs tiktok lite.

are you contemplating whether to use tiktok main app or the light version?, this page provides a clear comparison of of this two tiktok app, continue reading as you are about to find the right app for you below.

Tiktok main app: features and other important things

TikTok is a popular short-video platform that allows users to create and share short videos up to 60 seconds long. tiktok  has a wide range of editing features, including effects, filters, music, and text.

in the other hand, TikTok also uses a lot of Mobile data when compared to tiktok lite, so it’s not ideal for users with limited data plans, again, the app may not function well on a phone with low RAM and ROM capacity as it is about 150mb in size, if you are using a phone with Low memory or capacity, tiktok main app may not be the best option for you.

Tiktok lite app: features and other important things

TikTok Lite is a smaller version of TikTok that is designed for users with limited data or storage space.

tiktok lite  has a smaller file size, uses less data, making it the best option for people with low storage capacity device.

however, unlike  Tiktok, Tiktok lite has fewer editing features, you may not be able to edit a clear and impressive video as some feature are not available in the lite version, you may also not be able to go live on tiktok lite or even watch live videos of others unlike main tiktok app

However, it still allows users to create and share short videos, watch recommended videos, and follow other users.

key difference between TikTok and tiktok lite.

here is a table that summarizes the key difference between this two tiktok apps, from the comparison below, you can decide which one is best for you.

comparison between TikTok and TikTok Lite:

Aspect TikTok Main App TikTok Lite
App Purpose Short-video platform with various editing features Smaller version for users with limited data/storage
Video Length Up to 60 seconds Up to 60 seconds
Editing Features Effects, filters, music, text Limited editing features
Data Usage Uses more mobile data Uses less mobile data
Storage Requirement Larger in size (about 150MB) Smaller file size
Compatibility Requires more RAM and storage capacity Designed for devices with less RAM/storage
Live Streaming Supports live streaming and viewing No live streaming feature
Recommended Videos Available for viewing Available for viewing
Battery Consumption Higher battery consumption Lower battery consumption
Suitable For Users with ample data/storage and editing needs Users with limited data/storage and basic usage needs

the decision on which app to use depends on your specific needs, device capabilities, and preferences

Which one should you use?

If you have a lot of data and storage space, and you want to use all of TikTok’s features, then you should use the regular version of TikTok. However, if you have limited data or storage space, or if you want to save battery life, then you should use TikTok Lite.

things to consider when choosing between TikTok and TikTok Lite:

  1. Your device type : as explained above, TikTok Lite is designed to work on devices with less RAM and storage space. If you have an older or less powerful device, then TikTok Lite may be a better option for you.
  2. Your internet connection speed : If you have a slow internet connection, then TikTok Lite may be a better option because it uses less data, even with slow data connection, you can still watch video using Tiktok lite.
  3. Your needs in tiktok space: if you are a content creator or If you want to create and share high-quality videos with a lot of editing features, then you should use the regular version of TikTok. the main tiktok app is the best option ffor creator and those with high RAM and data storage device, However, if you just want to watch short videos and follow other users, then TikTok Lite is a good option.

FAQ regarding TikTok and TikTok lite

here are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding these apps

Why do people use TikTok Lite?

People choose TikTok Lite for several reasons:

  • Lower data consumption: This is the main advantage. TikTok Lite uses less data while browsing videos and uploading smaller ones. Ideal for users with limited data plans or slow internet connections.
  • Smaller app size: At around 9MB, TikTok Lite takes up much less storage space than the regular app (over 300MB). Perfect for phones with limited internal storage.
  • Runs smoothly on older devices: Due to its smaller size and optimized code, TikTok Lite runs smoothly even on older phones with less RAM.
  • Similar core experience: Despite being lighter, TikTok Lite offers most core features like browsing videos, creating and editing 15-second videos, adding effects, filters, and music.

Does TikTok consume more data than TikTok Lite?

Yes, the regular TikTok app generally consumes more data due to larger video sizes, richer graphics, and advanced features. TikTok Lite uses smaller video thumbnails, pre-caches data efficiently, and offers lower video quality options, all leading to significantly lower data usage.

Can TikTok Lite watch live?

Unfortunately, TikTok Lite currently doesn’t have live streaming functionality. You’ll need the regular TikTok app to watch or host live streams.

How big is TikTok Lite?

TikTok Lite is much smaller than the regular app. Its initial download size is around 9MB, and even with app data and cache, it typically stays around 125MB, compared to over 300MB for the regular app.

I hope this clarifies the key reasons people choose TikTok Lite! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

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