Top 10 Tallest man in Africa in 2024

top 10 Tallest man in Africa in 2023

Africa is known for its diverse population and cultures, but did you know that it is also home to some of the tallest men in the world? In this blog post, we will be taking a look at the top 10 tallest men in Africa, their heights, and a little bit about their lives.

top 10 Tallest man in Africa in 2024.

Below are the tallest people in Africa

  • Brahim Takioullah – 8 feet 1 inch (246.4 cm)

Brahim Takioullah is the tallest man in Africa and the second tallest man in the world. He was born in Morocco in 1982 and currently lives in France. Brahim has acromegaly, a condition caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland that leads to excessive growth hormone production.

  • Radhouane Charbib – 7 feet 10 inches (238.8 cm)

Radhouane Charbib, also from Morocco, is the second tallest man in Africa. He was born in 1965 and has acromegaly as well. Radhouane is known for his height, but also for his kindness and generosity towards others.

  • Morad Fareed – 7 feet 8 inches (233.7 cm)

Morad Fareed is the third tallest man in Africa, also from Morocco. He was born in 1969 and has acromegaly. Morad is known for his height and his love for sports, particularly basketball.

  • Noureddine Boutayeb – 7 feet 7 inches (231.1 cm)

Noureddine Boutayeb is the fourth tallest man in Africa, also from Morocco. He was born in 1968 and has acromegaly. Noureddine is known for his height and his love for music, particularly playing the guitar.

  • El Hadji Ndiaye – 7 feet 6 inches (228.6 cm)

El Hadji Ndiaye is the fifth tallest man in Africa, from Senegal. He was born in 1979 and has acromegaly. El Hadji is known for his height and his love for sports, particularly soccer.

  • Tchassona Traore – 7 feet 5 inches (226 cm)

Tchassona Traore is the sixth tallest man in Africa, from Senegal. He was born in 1984 and has acromegaly. Tchassona is known for his height and his love for music, particularly playing the drums.

  • Amadou Gueye – 7 feet 4 inches (223.5 cm)

Amadou Gueye is the seventh tallest man in Africa, also from Senegal. He was born in 1975 and has acromegaly. Amadou is known for his height and his love for sports, particularly basketball.

  • Amadou Niang – 7 feet 3 inches (221 cm)

Amadou Niang is the eighth tallest man in Africa, also from Senegal. He was born in 1977 and has acromegaly. Amadou is known for his height and his love for music, particularly playing the guitar.

  • Mountaga Diallo – 7 feet 2 inches (218.4 cm)

Mountaga Diallo is the ninth tallest man in Africa, from Senegal. He was born in 1980 and has acromegaly. Mountaga is known for his height and his love for sports, particularly soccer.

  • Alassane Diop – 7 feet 1 inch (216 cm)

Alassane Diop is the tenth tallest man in Africa, also from Senegal. He was born in 1985 and has acromegaly. Alassane is known for his height and his love for music, particularly playing

How are these people being selected as the tallest in Africa?

These individuals are being selected as the tallest in Africa based on their reported heights. The information on their heights is obtained from various sources such as news articles, research studies, and personal interviews.

It’s important to note that these are unverified heights and may not be entirely accurate. In addition, many of these individuals have acromegaly, a condition that causes excessive growth hormone production, which contributes to their height. The Guinness World Records is the official authority that keeps track of the tallest individuals in the world, but it’s not specified if they have a specific criteria to select the tallest people in Africa.

Awards or money giving to this people as the tallest

It is unclear if there are any specific awards or recognitions given to these individuals as the tallest people in Africa. However, some of them have been recognized by Guinness World Records as the tallest people in the world. Brahim Takioullah is currently listed as the second tallest living person in the world, and Radhouane Charbib is listed as the third tallest. Additionally, some of these individuals have received media attention for their height and have been featured in news articles and documentaries.

It’s also worth noting that many of these individuals have acromegaly, a condition that can cause numerous health issues such as diabetes, hypertension and mobility difficulties. As a result, they might face many challenges in their daily lives.

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