i can’t remove myself as admin on facebook (solution)

If you’re trying to remove yourself as an admin on Facebook, but you’re having trouble, there are a few things you can do. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps involved in removing yourself as an admin, and we’ll also provide some troubleshooting tips in case you’re running into any problems.

Below, we will elaborate some reasons for this issue and possibly solution for it

Top Reasons Why can’t remove yourself as admin on facebook.

causes of the Issue: Inability to Remove Yourself as Admin on Facebook

  1. Lack of Administrative Privileges: One of the primary reasons users encounter difficulties in removing themselves as admin on Facebook is due to not having the necessary administrative privileges on the page. Only users with the “Admin” role can access the settings required to make such changes. If you’re assigned a lower-level role like “Editor,” “Moderator,” or “Advertiser,” you won’t have the authority to modify admin roles.
  2. Multiple Admins with Equal Privileges: When multiple individuals hold the admin role with the same level of privileges, it can lead to complexities in removing oneself from the list. Facebook requires that at least one user maintains administrative rights at all times. If all admins have equal permissions, each one must voluntarily step down to enable the removal process.
  3. Facebook’s Administrative Restrictions: To prevent unauthorized access and protect pages from being compromised, Facebook imposes certain restrictions on admin removal. For instance, a user cannot remove the original page creator as an admin, even if they were added later by someone else. Additionally, pages with large followings may have more stringent restrictions to maintain security.
  4. Pending Admin Invitations: If someone has recently invited you to become an admin but you haven’t accepted the invitation yet, it can prevent you from making changes to your admin status. Facebook may lock the page’s admin settings until you either accept or decline the invitation.
  5. Temporary Technical Glitches: Occasionally, technical issues on Facebook’s platform can disrupt the usual functionality, including admin role management. These temporary glitches can hinder users from making any alterations to their administrative privileges.
  6. Outdated App Version: Using an outdated version of the Facebook app or browser may also cause issues when trying to adjust admin roles. Keeping the app up-to-date is essential to ensure smooth functionality.
  7. Complicated Admin Settings: Facebook’s settings and navigation can be intricate, particularly for users who are unfamiliar with the platform’s layout. Inadvertently overlooking specific options or misinterpreting instructions may hinder the process of removing yourself as an admin.

Understanding these underlying causes can provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by users seeking to relinquish their administrative roles on Facebook.

By addressing these factors, we can pave the way for an effective solution to this.

how to remove yourself as an admin from a Facebook page or group

Here’s a general guideline on how to remove yourself as an admin from a Facebook page or group:

For Facebook Pages:

  1. Log in to Facebook: Make sure you are logged in to the Facebook account that has admin access to the page you want to remove yourself from.
  2. Access the Page: Go to the Facebook Page from which you want to remove yourself as an admin.
  3. Click on “Settings”: You can typically find the “Settings” option at the top right of the page.
  4. Click on “Page Roles”: In the left sidebar, select “Page Roles.” This will display a list of people who have roles on the page.
  5. Find Your Name: In the “Existing Page Roles” section, you should see your name listed as an admin.
  6. Change Your Role: To remove yourself as an admin, click on the drop-down menu next to your name and select a different role (e.g., Editor, Moderator). If you want to remove yourself completely, you can choose “Remove” instead.
  7. Confirm the Change: Facebook may ask you to enter your password to confirm the change. Follow the prompts to confirm your choice.

For Facebook Groups:

  1. Log in to Facebook: Ensure you are logged in to the Facebook account that has admin privileges for the group.
  2. Access the Group: Navigate to the Facebook Group from which you want to remove yourself as an admin.
  3. Click on “Members”: You’ll usually find this option on the left-hand side of the group page.
  4. Find Your Name: Scroll through the list of members to find your name. You should see “Admin” or “Moderator” next to your name.
  5. Click on the Gear Icon: Next to your name, you should see a gear icon. Click on it to access the menu.
  6. Select “Remove as Admin”: From the menu that appears, choose the option to “Remove as Admin.”
  7. Confirm the Change: Facebook may ask you to confirm the change. Follow the prompts to confirm.

If you don’t see the option to remove yourself as an admin or encounter any issues, it’s possible that you may need another admin’s assistance to make the change.

Ensure you have a backup admin or request assistance from another admin to complete the process

Resolving the issue of not been able to remove yourself as an admin on a facebook page or group.

solving the Conundrum: A Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Yourself as Admin on Facebook

If after doing all the necessary things but still, you’re unable to remove yourself as an admin on a Facebook group or page, you can try out this troubleshooting guide below.

  • Verify Administrative Privileges

Ensure that you have the “Admin” role on the Facebook page you wish to remove yourself from. Without the necessary administrative privileges, you won’t have access to the settings required for this task.

  • Identify Co-Admins and Their Privileges

Determine if there are other co-admins on the page and the extent of their administrative privileges. Facebook mandates that at least one user retains the “Admin” role at all times. If all admins share equal privileges, they must voluntarily step down to proceed.

  • Confirm any Pending Admin Invitations

Check if you have any pending admin invitations to the page in question. Facebook may restrict admin role changes until you accept or decline these invitations. Make sure to resolve any pending invitations before proceeding.


  • try removing yourself again after few days on the Admin Settings

The cause of you not being able to remove yourself as an admin may be a technical glitches, if you have waited for about 24hrs, try removing yourself again.

Login to Facebook using your admin account and navigate to the page you wish to manage. Click on the “Settings” tab located at the top of the page. From the left-hand menu, select “Page Roles.”

  •  Report the Issue to Facebook Support:

If all else fails, you can report the issue to Facebook’s support team. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center (https://www.facebook.com/help/).
  • Search for a relevant topic or issue or use the “Report a Problem” option to describe your issue.
  • Follow the prompts to provide details about your problem. A Facebook representative will contact you within 24 hours to help you resolve your issue.

It’s essential to remember that administrative privileges grant substantial control over a Facebook page. Before removing yourself as admin, ensure you’ve carefully considered the implications and evaluated alternative options. By following these steps, you can confidently make informed decisions regarding your Facebook page administration.

If you have any question regarding this issue, you can drop your questions in the comments section below for further assistance.

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