UTME examination expo, all you need to know.

UTME examination expo, all you need to know.

are you among those writing UTME examination?, are you among those who wish to write JAMB exam?, read this thoroughly to know what examination malpractice is, punishment for those who engaged in the act and things to do in order to be able to write your exam without malpractice.

actually, the board manager of UTME does not take the act of examination malpractice as a light Case, check this and see some simple things you may not know which constitute the act of malpractice in UTME examination.

what is examination malpractice?.

do you know what examination malpractice is?, if not, see the meaning below.

examination malpractice is any act or behavior displayed by students ( exam candidate ) teachers or exam official which is against the guarding rules and regulations provided by the examination management board.

exam malpractice may be conducted by a single student, they may perform this act in group or even with the help of the exam official but once this act is illegal, the board manager of that exam will surely give punishment for any who is involve in the act.

as we are talking about UTME examination, candidates single handle tries to do malpractice in this case but there’s no possibility of surviving as the exam is a very strict one.

what constitutes the act of exam malpractice in UTME examination?.

In this article, we will explore what constitutes the act of exam malpractice in the UTME examination, and punishment for anyone caught in this act

  1. Impersonation: Impersonation involves someone taking the UTME examination on behalf of another person. This act is a serious offense and carries severe penalties, including prosecution and imprisonment. JAMB has put measures in place to detect impersonation, including biometric verification and strict monitoring of examination centers.
  2. Cheating: Cheating involves the use of unauthorized materials or assistance during the UTME examination. Some examples of cheating include smuggling in notes, textbooks, calculators, or mobile phones into the examination hall, collaborating with other candidates during the examination, or paying someone to write the exam for you. Cheating also includes attempting to copy or peek at another candidate’s answers during the examination.
  3. Examination Malpractice by Center Officials: Exam malpractice can also be perpetrated by exam center officials. This may involve exam supervisors or invigilators aiding or abetting cheating, tampering with examination results, or colluding with candidates to perpetrate exam malpractice. JAMB has put measures in place to monitor the activities of exam center officials, and any official found guilty of exam malpractice will face severe penalties, including dismissal and prosecution.
  4. Multiple Registrations: Multiple registrations involve a candidate registering for the UTME examination more than once in the same year using different names, dates of birth, or other personal details. This act is a violation of JAMB’s regulations and can lead to the cancellation of all the candidate’s results.
  5. Exam Malpractice by Parents and Guardians: Parents and guardians are also culpable in exam malpractice. This includes parents or guardians encouraging their children to cheat or offering bribes to exam officials or invigilators to help their children pass the examination.
  6. Use of Forged Certificates: The use of forged certificates or credentials to gain admission into a tertiary institution is also a form of exam malpractice. This act is illegal and can lead to the revocation of admission and prosecution of the candidate.

Punishment for UTME examination malpractice

The punishment for UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination) examination malpractice varies depending on the severity of the offense and the policies of the examination body. However, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), which conducts the UTME in Nigeria, has a range of penalties for various forms of examination malpractice.

Some of the penalties for UTME examination malpractice may include the following:

  1. Cancellation of Results: If a candidate is found guilty of examination malpractice, JAMB may cancel the results of the affected subjects or the entire examination.
  2. Ban from Future Examinations: JAMB may also ban the candidate from taking any future UTME or other JAMB examinations.
  3. Prosecution: In severe cases, JAMB may report the candidate to law enforcement agencies for prosecution.
  4. Blacklisting of Center: JAMB may blacklist the examination center where the malpractice occurred, and the center may be banned from conducting future JAMB examinations.
  5. Withholding of Results: JAMB may withhold the results of a candidate who is suspected of examination malpractice pending further investigation.

It is important to note that examination malpractice is a serious offense that can have long-lasting consequences. Candidates are advised to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations governing the UTME examination to avoid any form of penalty


Originally posted 2023-03-20 23:47:51.

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